Dustin Casto - A Raspberry Pi 5 OpenWRT Router with 2.5Gbps LAN

This is a really useful video:

It's starting to look like OpenWRT is an option: https://openwrt.org/. Unfortunately the factory image Raspberry Pi 3A+/3B/3B+/CM3/Zero2/Zero2W (64bit) / Raspberry Pi 2B-1.2 (64bit) doesn't boot on a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W. This is the problem I see with OpenWRT. They are not likely going to be able to maintain enough versions to support the range of hardware this thing could work on. The priority will obviously be to keep it going on the OpenWRT hardware they are having manufactured.

A better alternative might be to package the daemon and web interfaces separately with configuration management to install them on as many distributions as they can support, then maybe push those features up to the distribution maintainers? Then they will get into "political" problems though. I don't know what the answer is. Linux networking is a nightmare you can't wake up from!

One of the main features of OpenWRT is this thing called ubus. Ubus is a light-weight version of DBUS.  Then a bunch of lua scripts and busybox utilities send and respond to messages.

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I've just listened to the first twenty minutes or so of this talk given by Alan Kay (at Qualcomm in San Diego, on October 30, 2013) and it seems like it fits here:

At 30:48 The NSF doesn't want to fund people to develop high-level languages. But Microsoft Research paid to develop Sharpie. See Alan Kay on Simplicity.

If I go to Microsoft Research's web site and look for a Microsoft Technical report titled "Behavioral Types of Asynchronous Programming"  this is what I get: 11,178 results

 Oh the irony of the "most relevant result"!

 See The World Wide Web is Broken.

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