David Lynch on Living In The World (There's Got To Be Some Light)

 This is Linda Faludi's latest post.

Linda Faludi 11 hours ago (edited)

"I love darkness and confusion, I love absurdity... But I also like to know that somewhere there is a small door, beyond which happiness and comfort await us."

Quote and photo (Sergey Kustov) from Nargis Magazine, January 2021:

FATA-MORGANA of DAVID LYNCH. See Fata Morgana and Morgan le Fay.

David Lynch "There's Got To Be Some Light"

I just went to get some lunch and lost myself in The Grid! The problem was that I left the central plaza by what I thought was a parallel street to the one I usually take. But it was at right angles to that! I can orient myself in the square by the Catholic Church, but the problem is if can't see the damned thing then I don't know which side of the square it's on! So I found my way back to my room eventually, and it had been beautifully cleaned by a woman called Eva, who is herself beautiful and looks, to me, to be aged somewhere between fifteen and thirty-five, on a fairly flat distribution. I gave Eva three of a strange red fruit that somebody gave me yesterday while I was begging at the traffic lights. I forget the name. They look like red hoary versions of thorn-apples. She took only one of them though!! Go figure. See Sci-fi Short - EPOCH.

This might explain the reply I received to this message I sent to my daughter earlier today See David Lynch's Weather Report Project:

Dear Helen,

Please can you reply to my last two e-mails in full.

If anyone else is reading this, please can you reply, saying by what authority you are intercepting my private communications.



Here's the reply:

Hi Dad,

I'm sorry that I haven't replied to your emails this week - it is not because there is anybody intercepting your communications. Nobody is intercepting my communications or yours. I have simply been very busy, and also ill with the flu. I replied to the email you sent using your eternal doorman account last Friday, but since you have not acknowledged it I guess you have not checked that inbox.

When you say you want me to reply to your last two emails, I assume you mean this one and the one that is a series of messages exchanged with the woman Jessica. I don't know who Jessica is or who helped you get from Costa Rica to Mexico. Did you fly? Did you get a coach through Nicaragua and Honduras? I'm glad that you've seemingly found friends and sponsors. I hope that whoever is helping you will be able to continue sending you money, as I unfortunately cannot send you £100. 

You're not old enough to claim your pension yet - usually you need to be in your mid 60s (whatever the retirement age is for your generation). You should be able to google the eligibility criteria for claiming it, or perhaps the Department of Work and Pensions will clarify it for you when you ring them. If you do succeed in claiming the lump sum then thank you, but I do not want any of it. 

I also do not want to go to Mexico and Guatemala with you. I don't like the way you write to me - you don't show any interest in me as a person, have previously called me a whore and often it feels like the nicer I am to you, the ruder you become to me. I am angry and hurt and exhausted by the way our interactions have been. I'm tired of you suggesting that I am lying about who I am, because I have used this email address for the entire 12 or so years that you have been gone. If you really didn't think it was your daughter you were emailing, you would not have bothered to continue using this address to contact me. 

I graduated on Saturday and you weren't there. I think you probably would have been proud (you encouraged me to apply to Cambridge in the first place, in Cafe Nero I think, when I was about 8 or 9 - you said I needed to tell my teachers). I wanted to email you when I first got my results in June and learned that I was going to be graduating with a First, but I was afraid you'd simply tell me to fuck off and I didn't see any point in ruining a day when I was happy. This is the real problem with our relationship. 

Maybe if you showed any regret for the way you have previously spoken to me, I'd be more open to calling you on WhatsApp. However, you clearly still think this is all my fault when I'm the child and you're the parent. You left me. And, unless (or perhaps because) you're really ill, you've been foul to me pretty much ever since.  



Here are my two previous mails:

Dear Helen,

Remember I invited you to Mexico and Guatemala? Well I am now pretty sure that I have a job with David Lynch's Asymmetrical Productions. See https://eternaldoorman.blogspot.com/2021/07/david-lynchs-weather-report-project_9.html Why don't you e-mail them and ask? You can get their e-mail from imdb.com, but you will need to pay a few dollars for membership. I had a subscription in 2009 when I wanted to look up the address of Brad Pitt's production company Plan B, to talk about Bolivia, because he bought the rights to a book about Percy Harrison Fawcett called "The Lost City of Z" I wanted to help location scouting in Bolivia. Nothing came of it, apparently, ....



Unfortunately I can't find the message I sent, to which she refers, offering her 15% of my USS pension, which I believe I am eligible to take at age 55, and inviting her to come and visit me Mexico and Guatemala. I received no gmail notifications of her replies to me either, but then I don't have a phone, do I? One of her replies is:

Hi Dad,

I did get your email and I've just transferred you £10. You're probably not old enough to claim your pension yet. 

You didn't ask about me. I'm graduating tomorrow - I came top in my tripos and will be leaving Cambridge with a first class with distinction.

Best wishes,


Needless to say, I am not in the slightest bit impressed. See The Foundation (Parts I, II and III) and Some Ideas from Recent Dreams I've Had.

I am sorry, but I refuse to believe that my daughter is that stupid, even if she really did graduate with a  first from Cambridge! That reply still makes me want kill someone though! See How to make Prophecies Work Properly and DW Documentary: Is There A Market for Global Terrorism?

Capital Children's Choir (CCC) - Bel Air:

For more on the Beverley Hills Country Club, see Amy Zegart on Cyberwar. It's a story with a history:

And how can meditation affect political processes?

[Lynch:] Celebrities are the same living beings as you and I. And they, like everyone else, do not want to suffer. They want a feeling of happiness, fullness of energy and the ability to create accompanied them every day. This is a common human desire, and it covers more and more people. The same can be said for politicians; there is no difference. I have never engaged in politics, but I think that they, practicing transcendental meditation, can become calmer, smarter, more loving, more creative. And when they learn to act not as politicians, but simply as harmonious people, it will be easier for them to search and find the right solutions.


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