Erica Lee on Dynamic Quality

My new box of matches should get a Pirsig prize for this one. Remember that the word dynamic comes from the Greek root δύναμις which also means power or potential. Then see how Euclid defines a triangle by proof. And note what Aristotle says about how the proofs come from the process of division. And remember that the potentiality precedes the actualty: Terence McKenna on Time Travel

My new box of matches is Katia from Costa Rica, and she told me she recently lost her baby on the journey, so be nice to her please. She's on her way to Texas or Florida, ... Wherever she can sign up to a good maths course, because she wants to be a nurse. I recommend UTexas!

See Lana Del Rey Previews A New Blue Banisters Single.

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Happy Independence Day everyone!


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