Hannah Fry - The Joy of Data

See my comments on the video:

Why the hell does the Wikipedia page for Quantity refer to Property first. I'm guessing it reads: Quantity is the property of .... What! Quantity isn't a Property, is it? I wonder if it still says that? Yes it does. It doesn't say what it is supposed to be a property of. I guess it is a collection of things, or  lump of some stuff, (i.e. substance) but it still seems confused as hell to me! I guess all of Aristotle's Categories can be considered properties. Wikipedia doesn't define property, and if it did, I guess it would end up being a philosophical term, ....

The term of Substance, which is not a property of anything. I put this at number 10, because I read the idea in something written by a German guy who seemed to have thought very carefully abut the matter, and the conclusion seemed to fit with the way the Greek number system works, with ten being the placeholder like zero is in the Arabic or Hindu system. I mean the Ionian number system that uses a character called 'ena' that looks like an i but it only appears once you get to ten, then the alpha is used again there to the right and the counting continues, so thirteen is ena gamma. etc. etc. I used that to sign something I wrote anonymously, which was a piece of theater meant to serve as an introduction to Aristotelian philosophy. My initials are I.G. Unfortunately I no longer have access to this text, because I lost the Google Gdrive file identification URL. If anybody knows what the heck I am talking about, please tell me the file identifier. It's in my own Gdrive space which Google won't let me access as me! The account was ian.a.n.grant@googlemail.com.

Just after I posted those comments, I saw this post of Sadhguru's:

See My Lunch Hour and the numerous baby songs David Lynch has been thinking about, ...

The Mathematics of Love


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