My Lunch Hour

I came here to post captioned photos of three popes, ... but the machine was in use by another, so I thought I was being rebuked for wanting to post another blog entry so soon, and I went to the center get some lunch. On the way I felt rebuked because I had not explained yesterday that although I offered Eva three Rambutan fruit, I thought she was just being polite in taking only one. When I said take all three she took all three. So I was thinking about the Catholic Church again, you see ... And I wonder why I am always feeling like I'm being rebuked. Then I thought about my ex wife and Nik Thomas and I thought about something he'd said once on the way back (in his car) from an Oxfam Trailwalker event, I think, about how burning hydrocarbons released energy, and it sounded backwards to me. I forget exactly what he said, so I could be wrong, but it sounded backwards to me, after I'd thought about it a bit. As I recall, but I could be wrong, what he said was that the combustion process breaks down the polymer chains into shorter pieces which have more degrees of reedom and so the entropy is greater and therefore heat must have been released. I guess it depends upon what your physics textbook defines as the most fundamental laws, ... See David Lynch's Weather Report Project Report Project. And now I'm reminded of something I wrote a member of the House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology, I think but maybe it was a sub-committee, (quite possibly he was the chairman at the time) about The Natural Step being an attempt to formulate morality on the basis of the Second Law of Thermodynamics! Maybe Julia Ponsonby knows about this, because she told me once she thought it was a very interesting. She's now head of thermodynamics at Schumacher College I see. ...

Then I walked on down the road a bit and met a Honduran man and his son selling melted chocolate covered wafers in in the street. He told me he had an English friend called John in Honduras who was a huge Pink Floyd fan and that he had once been part of, or had put on, a Pink Floyd on Ice type show. It sounded amazing to me! I don't think it was this, but who nows: Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir at the 2009 World [figure skating?] Championships:

He said his favorite Pink Floyd song was Comfortably Numb and I told him I don't like it at all. I told him there's another song just before or just after that which is much better, but I couldn't remember the name. He said he'd look on YouTube and I thought that might be a bit tricky without any clue at all about the title of the lyrics, .... So I went on down the road, thinking about Pink Floyd and The Wall ...

... and I remembered it was Hey You. So I went back and found him and his son again, and I wrote the name of the song on the back of the receipt I was given today for my hotel room for two nights, ... And I wondered if I would need the receipt again. I hoped not.

So I finally got to the Plaza and couldn't decide what I wanted to have for lunch. I bought a packet of hot peanuts (hot from being in the midday sun) and went along the street behind the Catholic Church. There was an evangelical preacher shouting about how God said "las piedras se van a hablar de mi!" and I said "He was talking abut crack cocaine, dude!" thinking abut the name they use for crack in Costa Rica, ... In Bolivia, further down the production chain, they smoke pasta base and call it Papa. It contains quite a lot of petrol, I've heard, though I've never smoked it. Later I wondered he might've meant the fossil record. But see also Lana Del Rey on Kurt Cobain and Writing Her Song Video Games for another possible meaning.

Then as I was smoking a cigarette on the shady side of the plaza, I was sitting next to a guy who suddenly started playing Tracy Chapman Baby Can I Hold You Tonight? on his phone. And I felt rebuked for not listening to Tracy Chapman since about 1987 when I listened to it a lot at a slightly traumatic time of my life. I associate it with the bomb on the Pan Am plane over Lockerbie and all that, ... We had a kind of family reunion in South Africa and I found myself to be the only Daoist there! :-) Everyone else as more interested in Ayne Rand (Helen Grant!) and Jesus (my Grandmother and my Cousin Tracy). 

When I mouthed the words the words of the song I found it worked better with "Words come easily" ... but that's wrong. 

I still couldn't decide what to eat, but I was thirsty and I got myself a bag of Pozol from a girl on the corner. It's cacao and maize and it's ice cold and delicious.

Then I saw two woman come past carrying a new Sony Bravia TV and I thought about how in 2017 everybody in Cochabamba was buying these enormous flat screen TVs and I thought "What the hell are they watching on those things? There's nothing worth watching here, ... just rip-off DVDs of Hollywood films with badly done spanish subtitles that would jut fuck your mind if you really tried to understand them." But the box had a picture of a screen showing just a lot of green leaves and they were coming out of the TV into real life, ... So maybe what She told me came true earlier than I thought it hadn't yet!

So there's all this hot and cold stuff still to write about, ... After my traumatic trip on an unknown vegetable substance around 13th April 2011, I went through a phase of feeling teperature differences in the ground under my bare feet. I could feel the ground hot and cold according to whose property I was standing nearby. It was the weirdest thing. I first noticed it outside shops in the Miraflores asreas of La Paz. There were two shops right next to each other, and outside one the ground was icy cold, but if I wwent and stood outside the other, it was toasty warm. I remarked on this to the owners, ... It was the same for people selling on the street in the bus terminal in Oruro. One cholita's ground was cold, and the other's was warm. I told them, ... and they just said I was chewing coca (and the implication seemed to be that I was mad!) 

Tracy Chapman - Full Concert - 12/04/88 - Oakland Coliseum Arena (OFFICIAL)

There we go! On the way back here I remembered this Coldplay song that I used to like. Well, I thought it was Coldplay but it's Elbow:

Ursula Ausdorfer introduced me to Elbow.


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