Let's Tell Mexican Jokes ...

I'll start with the only one I know. Why did the Mexican push his wife down the stairs, ... But I know a joke that a cute little Chinese girl told me in Hong Kong in 1990. Well, she looked Japanese to me, but I had only been there a month. Tequila Pop! She was crazy about it. I think it was what they call a tequila slammer. She put them away like soda pop though. God she was a lovely little thing! ♥️💓💕

I had a job as an extra in a movie there. The pay was shit, but it was a bar scene and they needed guailos, and the drinks were free. I was wearing a huge suit jacket like David Byrne, in case somebody has seen the movie. I bought the jacket in a second-hand clothes shop in a mall in Central somewhere. Hong Kong was the first city I ever felt anything for as a whole. The contrasts were beautiful and weird.

See I Just Saw Something Great on Mexican TV, ...

I pirated that video from Linda Lawrence's web site. See Alan Parsons Project - Eye In The Sky. So that's what I think this song is about, ... can someone who has a facebook account see what other people thought? It's on Donovan's page:

See Donovan - I Am The Shaman and Strange Dream I Had This Afternoon. See also Anna on He Man and Masters of The Universe.


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