Lori on Chinese Weather Control

This sounds like a terrible idea to me.

I commented at the time (December 2020):

We don't seem to be able to progress education though, ... I have a theory. It's that "we" are not actually a species. Human beings are one species, but there's a parisitic degenerate subspecies that hitches a free ride and isn't afraid to kill its host.

I typed a response on YouTube, but the comment "couldn't be posted", so I cut the text to post it on a blog post, but Microsoft Windows only has a cut buffer one item deep, so I lost it when I copied the URL to make this blog post. So you don't get to benefit from what I know, Sorry.

See Fried Green Tomatoes at The Whistlestop Cafe.
OK, so the comment was to the effect of:
Maybe this would reduce the flooding in Bangladesh, and reduce the erosion in the Himalayan foothills, but maybe then in 500 year's time, the Tibetan Plateau will flood the north of India with very hot magma. The problem with artificial weather control is that it is control in the hands of possibly only a few people who do not neccessarily make the right decisions, i.e. those that are best for everyone. A better way to control the climate might be to regreen the deserts, and the Chinese are supposed to be the world's experts at this. Then we would be doing climate control rather than weather control and it could not be abused as an instrument of violence in the sense of Hannah Arendt.
Now maybe that is what they really are planning, but it sounds to me like they are planning some big technology investment. Maybe that is the right thing to do for the Chinese economy, and maybe the world does rely on the Chinese economy to keep the system going, but maybe we should be doing away with that sort of system that relies on superpower spending. I don't know what the solution is, but I seriously doubt anyone who says they do know what the solution is, because we don't have secure telecommunications security, so people can't communicate, and can't share their knowledge. So I tink the solution, wjhatever it is, can only be known with secure teecommunications available to everyone. I know how to do that, and I am being prevented from sharing that knowledge. I don't know why.  I did notice Bill Gates advising the Mexican Government on CNN though. And I know that Bill Gates paid for the building that was my prison in Britain for ten years, and he had it named after himself. And I think Bill Gates is possibly the stupidest man on the face of the earth. He certainly hasn't a fucking clue about programming or managing programmers. See David Lynch's Weather Report Project and Seven Million Americans Face Eviction in Two Months.


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