Seven Million Americans Face Eviction in Two Months

There's some very good advice coming out here, but ....

Who is in a position to act on it? My advice is you should all pretend you're making a movie, and everyone is going to help you. See Short - Mobile and Why You Should Join the US Air Force and Donovan - I Am The Shaman.

We're building Atlantis, folks. Hold tight! Long Complicated Story About Archaeology in Venezuela.

Subscribe to RT America on YouTube.

OK? Let's just do it then: full-on Airplane Mode:

See Lana Del Rey Previews A New Blue Banisters Single. Oh yes, happy birthday Simon Edward Thornton. No present this year, ... I'm right out of cash, sorry.

I think Donovan, David and Che Guevara are all Medicine Children. See Petaga Yuha Mani Lakota Medicine Man. I think that what we need, to be able to do our job, is every single square-inch of land in the continental United States of America. Otherwise, as I said before, Scottish Independence is a joke. See Guardian: Scots should get new independence vote if SNP wins, says Tory-linked consultancy. Talk to  the John Muir Trust about how to manage this sort of scheme, and ask them to explain in detail all the problems they face. Tell them I sent you. They know me. See Erica Lee on Dynamic Quality. It's something about tearing around all over the place without going anywhere, ... a.k.a. secure telecommunications. See Ian from TimcastIRL on Software and Open Sourcing Big Tech's Code.

See TMZ Camera Guy Asks Lana Del Rey Out on A Date.


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