Pentagon Wants To Declare War on The Ethiopian Catholic Church

See David Lynch's Weather Report for January 31st, 2021. Military intelligence? Deaf? YES YOU, YOU FUCKING ASSHAT MORON OF SHIT!

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From AFRICA: Ethiopia shifts focus from Somalia to Eritrea (2008).

See also Ethiopian Coup Attempt (2019) and The Church Forests of Ethiopia. For more on fishing, ... 

Two months ago or so, ...

Subscribe to Al Jazeera English.

The moral is, eat oranges like a donkey. You might get confused about which war-zone you're fighting in from time to time, but that's just the fog of war, ...

See Two Horse Power for the meta-moral which is, ... "Don't let yourself be used by a bunch of fucking ride-sharing butt-jockeys to fight wars on their behalf!"

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