What Does Proteccion Civil Mean in Mexico?

See this RT post of four hours ago:

A man claiming to represent Mexico’s Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) has released a video threatening to murder one of the country’s most prominent news anchors due to ‘unfair’ coverage of the power struggle in Ecatepec.

The masked man complained that Milenio Television was favoring community ‘self-defense’ groups who oppose the CJNG’s presence in the town, directly naming journalist Azucena Uresti in his complaints.

The masked speaker, seen surrounded by six armed men, accused Ms. Uresti and her network of being biased while covering the dispute between the cartel and vigilante groups. Earlier this month, Uresti interviewed a vigilante involved in the fight for control over the town of Ecatepec, which is believed to have provoked this reaction from the cartel.

Azucena Uresti is one of the best-known news anchors in Mexico; she presents Milenio TV's nightly news show and moderated the 2018 presidential debate.

Groups representing journalists have demanded that the government offer protection to Ms. Uresti following the threats, but there has been no response to the request as yet.

The other day a guy was driven past while I was begging at the traffic lights. He was lying on his back on the bed of a pickup truck and a paramedic was holding a blood-soaked rag on his chest. It looked like he had been shot or stabbed in the chest. The pickup truck had Proteccion Civil written on the side, ... better late than never I guess. What the hell kind of asylum does the President think he is running here: President of Mexico on Julian Assange. I've seen enough of the government of Mexico for now. If that is all you have to offer you aren't going to get much more help from me. You can get your advice from Bill Gates instead. Chau!


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