Tulsi Gabbard on The FBI Investigation Into Nassar

See my reply to this comment by Wicked Witch of The West:

I think the problem is worse than just the FBI. The whole Department of Justice (which includes the DEA, who have been actively involved in sex trafficking of minors through their supposed "infiltration" of drug cartels in Latin America and Asia, that infiltration looks more like collusion on close examination, however) is corrupt at the highest levels, and the Supreme Court as well. So it is not some other powerful elites they are protecting, it is their own senior officials, men like Robert Mueller who was head of the FBI, who have implicated themselves in much greater crimes against women and children in foreign countries.

See also Tulsi Gabbard on the corruption in the FBI.

Subscribe to Tulsi Gabbard.

Also see For Robert Müllerthese posts on Mueller and this post, written a year ago yesterday: Embassies in La Paz Bolivia.


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