CIA and FBI Bullshit

Are people abusing children to torture me?

See Restos Mortales and read the video description:

Listening to these guys I thought about the difference being a kid in middle-class rural England listening to The Clash and just not getting it, and being a kid the same age and living in Tecate and listening to these guys, ... I suppose if I'd grown up in Belfast then I might've understood what punk was about, ... but I wasn't.

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They stopped playing soon after that finished uploading and I heard happy sounds of young women singing and having fun outside. I can still hear this going on, but it's nearly 2 a.m. and I just woke from a horrible nightmare where there were in hese two weird, weird homosexual men who tried to make me have sex with them, and I tried to kill one of them by strangling him but he wouldn't die. And I had that feeling of trying to shout, but I couldn't, no sound came out. They started multiplying then in the end there were hundreds of them and it was just like that weird hotel in Costa Rica that the people at the British embassy arranged for me to stay in. Fuck, that place was disgusting. Almost everything about Costa Rica was disgusting except Anna at the hotel I stayed in.

Subscribe to Lana Del Rey.

See Message For Simon Thornton:

Subscribe to Capital Children's Choir.


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