Restos Mortales

Last night when Restos Mortales were playing I found an earring. I pick up jewellery I find in the street to give to my girlfriends, but this looks new, and it's not broken junk. So if you know who lost it tell her (or him?!) that I have it and if they can describe it accurately to me, or show me the matching one, then I'll be very happy to return it!

See the video description to see what a weird night I had last night. It was horrible, but luckily Linda Faludi was awake and I felt OK after I told her.

See David Lynch's Weather Report agosto 26, 2021 and listen to The Sound of Silence. See Simon & Garfunkel - The Boxer.

I didn't list the video because I was scared that it was this masculine energy that had made me feel so bad. I thought it was because people were watching what I posted and that it was scaring Lana's chickens again! See Going to Get Pizza from yesterday's On Contemporary Art And Eating Pizza Wrong:

Subscribe to my crazy channel, it's getting crazier! Now I have to go eat again. ...

See Elizabeth Woolridge Grant's Emotional Weather Report.


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