Ian Grant's Weather Report

See Juan Browne - Calling Today From Tomorrow Promising Yesterday's News and CIA and FBI Bullshit.

This is what I just told Amanda about the concert in Tecate on Saturday:

It was technically a concert celebrating the anniversary of the founding of Tecate. That means cut stone in the Native American language, I think, but I'm ashamed that I don't even know what nation that is. General Ulysses S Grant fought in the Mexican-American War near here. Did you see that post on my blog? It's called "Message for Donald Trump" or something. Search for it. I think we will be able to create a Union of California with help from Putin and Lukashenko. They have been doing something like this for Belorussia. Yes, I am having fun. But my teeth are bothering me quite a bit. Can you post some photos of the concrete and pebble work in Oaxaca? My friend Salvador, whose land I'm going to see today, told me a bit about the place, and I am interested in what he said about pebbles and cement. Sounds like they have been doing it for centuries. I was thinking about that today because Baja California is a major pebble exporter. I see trucks passing the traffic lights where I beg loaded with really, really pebbles. Look up the art of Andy Goldsworthy if you don't already know it. Salvador said you might be interested in doing an exchange, you can come up here, because he wants to go down there. I told him that you probably can't afford to buy land because you're just an English teacher. Did you get my reply about language teaching? You didn't mention it.


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