MasterClass - Helen Mirren on Acting

I showed this to Amanda and she said it was really interesting.

Subscribe to MasterClass.

See also this post by Linda Faludi today:

"Kyle played Jeffrey Beaumont because Kyle is an innocent, and he’s kind of all-American in a way that makes you think about the Hardy Boys. Jeffrey is curious and he’s a detective—well, everybody’s a detective—but he’s got that going on, and he likes women, and he likes a mystery." 

"I looked at a lot of people before I found Laura Dern, and she’s perfect for Sandy. Sandy is smart and she has this playful nature. She’s a good girl, but that mind… she’s got a dreamy thing swimming in there, and a curious thing. She’s the daughter of a detective. Laura embodied this person that Jeffrey could be pals with at first then fall in love with, and they didn’t have a dark love. They had a pure love."

"Dennis Hopper is a great actor, and I really liked him in Giant and Rebel Without a Cause and The American Friend. (...) Dennis is about the coolest there is. He’s the rebel dream guy, and he has romance and tough guy rolled all into one, and it’s just perfect. And it’s a ’50s thing, born out of the ’50s. There’s a scene with Dennis watching Dorothy sing and Dennis cries in that scene and that was totally perfect. That’s a side of this romantic ’50s rebel thing, where a guy could cry and it was totally OK and cool and then beat the shit out of somebody in the next minute. Macho guys don’t cry now, and it’s false, really, but the ’50s had this poetry swimming through them."

"Isabella is so perfect for Blue Velvet—I was really lucky. She’s a foreigner in a country that’s not her own, so she’s already vulnerable to being manipulated, so that’s one thing Isabella has. And she’s got this incredible beauty—that’s another thing she’s got going. But you can see in her eyes that she could be a troubled person, and there’s a fear in there, and the combination of all those things was perfect for Dorothy. I knew she’d just done one movie when we met, but I didn’t care because I knew she could do it. People get used to seeing a certain kind of handsome and a certain kind of beauty in movies, and then you go on the street and see real faces and a lot of them have the stuff. Maybe they can’t carry a whole picture, but they can sure play a character."

Excerpts from Room to Dream by David Lynch and Kristine McKenna, 2018

Photos from the set of Blue Velvet.

David Lynch on Mulholland Drive:

Mulholland Drive reviewed by Maggie, before she could afford a decent microphone! :-) 

Subscribe to Deepfocuslens.

I only watched 4 minutes, I ain't goin' into no major spoiler territory! Just watch the trailer, ...

Subscribe to StudiocanalUK.

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Messiah Ward

Subscribe to Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds.

See There's Something Fishy Been Goin' On, ... and My Effluence - Last Three Months (and maybe also David Lynch's Weather Report Project Report for July 14, 2021.):

David Lynch: "I'm 65 years old [2011]. They say that when men go into their 50s they dream of building gigantic towers to prove their virility. I have directed films, composed music, made all sorts of objects, works that had a beginning and an end. Now I want to make something solid. First, I started with painting. For the last three years I have been working in a lithographic studio in Montparnasse that Picasso and Miró used, drawing on the same stones where they painted. Then I started working on Silencio [club in Paris], which has taken the last two years. Looking at what we have done, I feel myself almost immortal."

Now he's seventy-five, and he's a fucking god! :-) See Nick Cave & Warren Ellis - Hollywood (Live at Salle Pleyel, Paris, Last Week). Just check the stage lighting!!

Subscribe to ParisAndAllThatJazz.

See Terence McKenna on HisoryMaggie on The Best Movie Endings and Fields of The Nephilim - Psychonaught.


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