Pizza Time

I met Bjork on the way to Rex Pizza, ...

I mentioned a financial buffer, so I don't end up on the street: this was the first day of a several-day blue-green algae trip I took myself on in Tapachula, ... See Chelsea Hotel Room 3 agosto 27, 2021. It's not only LSD that they make, ... 

Subscribe to World Science Festival.

See also this:

Subscribe to Anton Petrov.

Eating Pizza Right

See the video description (hidden under the "..." menu on YouTube/TikTok (another app) shorts!):

Trouble is you get grease on your index finger and you can't stop the video!

Message For Laura Pausini: 119 views! Hopefully one of them was her!

Message for Jane Elizabeth Carey: 19 views!

This song "I love you like a love song" has got a hell of a lot better, hasn't it? The version I heard in Bolivia was only the chorus, on repeat, just like you would expect in fucking GTMO!

They're playing Don't Call Me Angel now!

See Learn to Sing Bel Canto Like Callas.

Subscribe to Ariana Grande.


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