Go Fug Yourself - Bjork

I'm even bored of wanking baby! No can do. Sorry! 😔

See https://www.gofugyourself.com/your-afternoon-whimsy-bjork-10-2021:

There are a lot of reasons it’d be fun to be Bjork, but this time of year I always think how relaxing it must be knowing that you don’t have to come up with a Halloween idea because you are always your own costume.

 See DW News On Assange Hearing:

Software Wizardry?

See the video description.

See also this post by Aurora:

So Julian fancied himself a bit of a wizard too? I thought so. I can tell you, he's not the only one. Ask Laura Poitras! See Lana del Rey With Her Dad Rob After Recording Sweet Carolina.

Lana Del Rey on Trump And Narcissism

See Message For Donald Trump and Ellen Burbidge On Climate Change And People's Climate Strategy.

Here's the full 40 minute CCC interview with Annie Mac on BBC Radio One:

Subscribe to Lana Del Rey Updates.

Dealer feat. Miles Kane:

See Lana Del Rey - US Customs and Border Protection and David Lynch's Weather Report.


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