David Lynch

Hi David,

The Silent Watcher had blue skies and golden sunshine all along the way in Tecate today, ...

And I think the guy "lower tier jaws" I call him, who I thought was Julie Mushet's dad, is actually lead s/w develop'er for Jack Dorsey, ... Go figure! See William Blake's Book of Urizen.

My workload down here is insane! If there were two of us this side of the Iron Gates then it would be hell of a lot easier!

I know quite a bit about PTSD if that's your problem, ... 😂

The City of Mercy

Long Black Veil

Subscribe to Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds.

Subscribe to Bimbo Barbarella.

See There's Something Fishy Been Goin' On, ... and MasterClass - Helen Mirren on Acting.


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