Psychotherapy With Myra West

See the video description:

Squashed dog place.

Some other data points. Around that time (early 2011) I got an e-mail from Joe Hurd who I think was working at Galois Connection in Portland, OR at the time. I had another e-mail from him when I was in El Alto in 2010 where he said he'd like to come and see these cold high places one day. That gave me the title for my first blog which was on my website, I think. I wrote to him in 2011 and told him what I was doing with my lambda-calculator which was a project I'd mentioned in casual conversation with him one day at afternoon tea in the Computer Laboratory before I left Cambridge. In 2010 I sent Joe some photos of Guanay and he replied saying that it was amazing to think of someone living in that town thinking about lambda calculus. It was pretty amazing, wasn't it?

For some details of Galois connections, see Roland Backhouse's brilliant notes on Galois Connections and Fixed Point Calculus:

Fixed point calculus is about the solution of recursive equations defined by a monotonic endofunction on a partially ordered set. This tutorial presents the basic theory of fixed point calculus together with a number of applications of direct relevance to the construction of computer programs. The tutorial also summarises the theory and application of Galois connections between partially ordered sets. In particular, the intimate relation between Galois connections and fixed point equations is amply demonstrated.

See also Sci-Fi Short - Limbo mayo 21, 2021.

Grace Slick's Cover of Sean Delaney's Dreams (1979):

Subscribe to Grace Slick.

See My Story for more on Cambridge, Dijkstra and Galois Connections. In particular, this video from November 27, 2021:

Look the regular expressions in matrices example in Backhouse's notes! Ask the people at Cambridge why they didn't ever mention John Houghton Conway's 1966 book on Finite Automata and Regular Languages. Check Peter Sewell's PhD Thesis. So please investigate Conway's death carefully, because it may well have been a homicide.


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