Vanessa Beely Talking to Eva Bartlett About Donbass and Ukraine

Just as the invasion of Ukraine commenced, YouTube suspended Vanessa's account based on a video she made years ago about White Helmets operations in Syria.

The links in the video description don't work. See:

  1. Return to Russia: Crimeans Tell the Real Story of the 2014 Referendum and Their Lives Since
  2. Under Fire from Ukraine and Misperceived by the West, The People of the DPR Share Their Stories

Here's the exchange between Matt Lee and Ned Price mentioned at 48:09:

See these posts of mine and US State Department's Ned Price "In Alex Jones Territory" According To AP's Matt Lee.

Subscribe to C-SPAN.

At 51:03 Eva Bartlett talks about wanting to go back to Donbass to talk to people that she met last time she was there. See

At 57:03 on how corporate media works on the ground, see What is News?

Subscribe to Vanessa Beely and Eva K Bartlett.


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