William Irwin Thompson on Paleolithic Cave Art

My mother had an interest in this, ... and in the shamanistic ideas about the origin of "prehistoric" art. I put it in quotes because the idea of prehistoric art sounds like a contradiction in terms now that I know what history is, ... See John Schneider's Southern WaysDavid Lynch's Weather Report abril 04, 2022 and John Schneider's Southern Ways.

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Interview with William Irwin Thompson in 1996. I wonder whether he misunderstood my offer of help I made in 1992. I meant helping with typesetting, graphics for lectures, indexing and proofreading books, etc., all of which were things I'd learned and done at Schumacher College the year before. But perhaps he took it amiss, and thought I was offering to help him think? 😂❤️ Unfortunately he's dead now, so we'll probably never know. The perils of "mind jazz" on modern texts, with or without Celtic radar, ... It was around the same time I sent Linus Torvalds an E-mail, asking him wheher I could interview him and help publicise his Linux project. I got no reply. I also wrote to Jackie Brambles at BBC Radio 1 suggesting she got the BBC to get an E-mail server so that listeners could write in to programs on air rather waiting for call-ins to be scheduled. I imagined those lonely-sounding DJs like Lynn Parsons (see Rambling With Jo Whiley on BBC Radio 2) having a stream of e-mails with requests and interesting comments to incorporate into their shows on the fly, ... But maybe I underestimated the amount of weird shit that people would send in, even in those days. I got no reply from anyone at the BBC either, ... How naïve I am! Anyway, I spent most of 1992 and some of 1993 trying, and failing, to get an interesting and worthwhile job. That was when my parents decided to leave Britain and go back to live in post-apartheid South Africa, ...

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