Maggie Reviewing Star Wars, A New Hope (1977)

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She mentioned David Lynch. David made Eraserhead and it was also released in 1977. At one point George Lucas thought David might direct a Star Wars movie:

Mr. Lynched sic was offered to direct the third Star Wars film, Return of the Jedi, but turned it down.

As a filmmaker, Lynch revels in his power to stimulate, understanding full well that his visceral, often oblique images may frustrate and even antagonize audiences. Though his work is full of abstractions, it is still, in large part, about the old-fashioned conflict between good and evil, something on which moviegoers can certainly hang their hat. Lynch has said that finding love in hell is a theme in all his movies.Lynch has had a major impact on promoting and developing consciousness-based education for children. Lynch and his Foundation believe in developing the full creative potential of the brain and mind, improving health, reducing stress, and improving academic outcomes for children. To date, Lynch's Foundation has granted scholarships over 100,000 at-risk students, their parents, teachers and administrators

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David made Dune in Mexico in 1983: see David Lynch Folding Space.

Subscribe to Archivo Noticieros Televisa.

See Do You Have A Question for David?

Here's a mail I sent to my mother on June 16, trying to understand "my timeline" but it's not easy! 

Hi Mum,

Funny, I don't recall living in a rented house in Port Elizabeth ... All I can remember is when we lived in the PE Holiday Inn for a few weeks and sugar-pop rice crispies in little boxes for breakfast every day, and you used to give me little boxes of peach juice for my school lunch! I still remember the flavor of that peach juice. It's delicious. I remembered this because the peach juice they sell in little boxes here has the same flavor.

Our address in Mill Park was 4 Muir Rd, wasn't it? I wonder who they named that road after. It couldn't have been John Muir, could it? It's easy to read significance into family names that isn't there.

I should have looked up the last voyage of the Galileo Galilei, ... I remembered that. I also remember reading a Hammond Innes novel about a guy who got sentenced to life imprisonment in Dartmoor prison, ... And I remember seeing Roger Moore in Dr. No, and I remember seeing Alec Guinness in The Looking Glass War. I don't think I would have been able to see films like that at that age in a cinema anywhere else, would I? Maybe. I also remember having lots of Lego, and dad shooting clay pigeons with some Italian guy that he said was Mafiosi. I think all Italians are probably Mafiosi, ...

I'm still trying to do art with David Lynch and others. See and

I am wondering whether it would be worth asking David Lynch's assistant once again to see if I can get him to forward a message to David and Sabrina Sutherland. I asked in October or November, but he said "We probably cannot help you". All I asked was to have a place I could take refuge in for a few weeks to get my life sorted out a bit more. I still need that. ...

So what I was thinking was asking whether David and Sabrina could help me get to Canada if there's no place I can be safe from molestation in the United States.

I have to go now. I will think about this a bit more in the mean time.



On Thu, Jun 16, 2022, 1:25 AM Diana Grant <...> wrote:

We went to Europe and UK in December '77 to January '78 after selling the Mill Park house and rented in PE before leaving from Durban on the the last voyage of the Galileo Gallelai (sp?) To New Zealand.

On Wed, 15 Jun 2022, 9:35 PM eternal Doorman, <...> wrote:

Hi Mum,

Wow, that's interesting. So I have had a distorted historical perspective for almost my entire adult life! I thought I was 9 years old when we went to New Zealand, but I was eleven? Or was I nine years old when we went to Europe? How long was that trip? A couple of months in total, wasn't it?




Wikipedia doesn't seem to agree with my mother: see SS Galileo Galilei:

Galileo Galilei continued to operate on the Italy–Australia run until April 1977, at which point she was withdrawn from service and laid up. Her lay-up was short, and in October 1977 she returned to her builders for a lengthy reconstruction into a cruise ship. On 24 March 1979 the Galileo Galilei finally started cruise service with Italia Crociere (owned by Italia Navigazione, who also owned Lloyd Triestino). However, already in September of the same year the Galileo Galilei was withdrawn from service and laid up again.

This means I can't be sure whether it was in South Africa or New Zealand that I first saw Star Wars. I think New Zealand now, ... But IMDB lists the release date in NZ as November 9, 1977 and doesn't list it for South Africa in 1977 at all, AFAICS.

David Lynch's Star Wars:

Gordon Cole watches early David Lynch Comedy:

David Lynch's Return of The Jedi

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Shall I ask my parents about the Sanlam building, ... Steve Biko, Nelson Mandela and The Mandela Effect and Steve Biko.

It wasn't Alec Guinness in The Looking Glass War (1970), that was a conflation with Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy which I saw in England much later:

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