Ian Grant's Weather Report 8/29/22

The guy is a woman! Chapter six of N. Katherine Hayles book How We Became Posthuman https://beforebefore.net/136c/s16/media/hayles6.pdf

Maturana concluded that perception is not fundamentally representational. He argued that to speak of an objectively existing world is misleading, for the very idea of a world implies a realm that preexists its construction by an observer. Certainly there is something "out there," which for lack of a better term we can call "reality." But it comes into existence for us, and for all living creatures, only through interactive processes determined solely by the organism's own organization. "No description of an absolute reality is possible," he and Varela wrote in Autopoiesis and Cognition, for such a description "would require an interaction with the absolute to be described, but the representation that would arise from such an interaction would necessarily be determined by the autopoietic organization of the observer ... hence, the cognitive reality that it would generate would unavoidably be relative to the observer" (AC, p. 121). Thus he was led to a premise fundamental to his theory: living systems operate within the boundaries of an organization that closes in on itself and leaves the world on the outside.

Maturana concluded that perception is not fundamentally representational. He argued that to speak of an objectively existing world is misleading, for the very idea of a world implies a realm that preexists its construction by an observer. Certainly there is something "out there," which for lack of a better term we can call "reality." But it comes into existence for us, and for all living creatures, only through interactive processes determined solely by the organism's own organization. "No description of an absolute reality is possible," he and Varela wrote in Autopoiesis and Cognition, for such a description "would require an interaction with the absolute to be described, but the representation that would arise from such an interaction would necessarily be determined by the autopoietic organization of the observer ... hence, the cognitive reality that it would generate would unavoidably be relative to the observer" (AC, p. 121). Thus he was led to a premise fundamental to his theory: living systems operate within the boundaries of an organization that closes in on itself and leaves the world on the outside.

See also Robert Logan's, What Is Information?: Why Is It Relativistic and What Is Its Relationship to Materiality, Meaning and Organization:

We review the historic development of concept of information including the relationship of Shannon information and entropy and the criticism of Shannon information because of its lack of a connection to meaning. We review the work of Kauffman, Logan et al. that shows that Shannon information fails to describe biotic information. We introduce the notion of the relativity of information and show that the concept of information depends on the context of where and how it is being used. We examine the relationship of information to meaning and materiality within information theory, cybernetics and systems biology. We show there exists a link between information and organization in biotic systems and in the various aspects of human culture including language, technology, science, economics and governance.

See Stuart Kauffman on Irreducible Systems:

See The Intuition Behind Lagrangian Mechanics and Biologist Jeremy Griffith on The Human Condition.

Subscribe to Closer to Truth.

BXBullet's parts 1&2 of the Highland Park shooting investigation:

Subscribe to BXBulletTV.

It's called "Kubie's halitosis of the personality": see Psychology in the Bathroom: On Flatulence:

Flatulence reaches heights of comic absurdity in the work of François Rabelais (1564/1965), who describes a fictitious volume in the library of St Victor on The art of farting decently in public and whose creation, the giant Pantagruel, unleashes one great fart whose ‘foul air created more than fifty-three thousand tiny men, dwarves and creatures of weird shape’

I met a giant Pantagruel and she was lovely! She used to type out my invoices! See Ian Grant's Weather Report 8/26/22. That's the "Broccoli string gas" theory of the origin of the Universe. See Sabine Hossenfelder - Did The Big Bang Really Happen?

See Jack Wisdom on Climate and Chaos.


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