Lee Camp on Some Dog Rescue Operation in Sonoma County

This is a more complex thing than just tanning, I think.

See Lee Camp on UK Censorship and Animal Rights and Scottish Farmed Salmon Industry. That reminds me that some time after I told my daughter to read William Boyd's The Blue Afternoon she told me she had given up fish, ... I assumed she was saying that she'd become vegan, perhaps on account of realising that more of Byron's poetry was more meaningful than she thought, Byron being her pet fish who died. She didn't have a cat, despite my having given my ex wife a thousand pounds to get Helen a kitten before I left for Bolivia. See The Jaguar Circuit and Lana Del Rey - Chemtrails Over The Country Club (CCC) UK Bestseller.

As to Elon Musk and the Car Workers Unions. Is that why I keep finding car keys? I once asked my daughter if she had learned how to drive yet, and she said very clearly "no." See Lee Camp on Elon Musk and The UAW. The reason I am posting this is that I thought on the way back down the hill that maybe, instead of Stirling, they had decided to call the British currency the Scargill after all. That's an old joke about a more perfect Union. See LA Times - California orders bottled water company to stop ‘unauthorized’ piping from springs. Ask Steph the Alter Nerd. She gets to go to California on someone else's ticket, doesn't she? Maybe it's because her mom can read good Greek. How do you spell lepton fyre ... Thing is, this isn't a joke. Our bodies are like houses: they're industrial biochemical plants and there's all sorts of stuff going on way beyond just being fussy about deodorant! Anyway, have3 a great time Steph, and keep filing reports aboot the Royal Revolution. That laddy is doing great stuff, even if it just looks like he's all on his own most of the time. It's rules laid down like eggs by "she who must be obeyed!":

Subscribe to Lee Camp's Dangerous Ideas.

Apropos of nothing, isn't this why I shut down the BBC?

Anyway, what I was going to say was about menstrual bleeding in post menopausal women being a serious mRNA vaccine adverse event and that if it happens you should  see your gynecologist. But I can't find that post, maybe it's been ironed-out by someone much better-looking than I am. I don't mind, really.

I was just thinking about the sad lady I worked for who wanted me to cut down a beautiful little witch-hazel just because it stood over a wild currant that would probaly bear fruit, ... See Crispin Sartwell - A Real Philosophy Lecture. There are a lot of different kinds of fruit out there!!

Chemtrails over the Country Club

Subscribe to Lana Del Rey.

Prosecute Faucci!

Some videos from yesterday that I thought I'd better sit on for a while, but I changed my mind:

I taught my daughter to swim before I threw her into the river!

Subscribe to London Grammar.

I also told her to get in touch with Rob Grant if she needed help getting to California to see me:

But maybe there wasn't enough money around to back this operation?

Subscribe to Lana Del Rey.

But, I guess my PR was a bit below par. That's all I can think. Perhaps she only had unedited access to my YouTube channel.

I was in Louisiana, I had money, I had liberty and I should have just walked down the road towards Houston, ...

But I was filled with respect for the laws of the United States of America! Guess why! :-)

I didn't have a passport, ...

Subscribe to Roger Street Friedman.

... and maybe I had a drug problem too, ...


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