Sabine Hossenfelder's ICMI of An Entire Issue of SciAm

The Flamin' Go Project. Another joke of my Dad's. I just have to do it with Gasoline then, ...

I looked for people I knew, and I thought I recognised the name Willem Elbers, but it's not anyone I ever met. He did his Part III at DAMTP in 2017. Man, that makes me feel like such a fucking retard! I tried to dredge up who I was thinking of, but all I got was this guy, probably Willem's dad! The construction of word meaning in a multicultural classroom. Mediational tools in peer collaboration during mathematics lessons by Ed Elbers and Mariëtte De Haan. On linguistics in the United States these days, see Catching Up on Rez News.

Subscribe to Sabine Hossenfelder's SciAm.Alt

Nice to she she's still "A Little Funny":

Something else surely did happen, all those years ago. Space Weather! Where does all the Helium in the US Reserve wind up? See Lauren And I Trying New Strategies With Arguments With Xs and Eric Laithwaite on Understanding Analogues.

Subscribe to The Flaming Lips after Glastonbury, remember them, Judith Salmon! ❤️

See these songs from my Pink Floyd Graphics playlist:


Subscribe to Pinkforall Official and Lossless Music.

It won't hurt a bit peeps. Let's do it!

We want to live at the centre of the known Universe, not on an off-axis rock just going round and round in bloody circles! Let's make science a proper religion, and truth an experimental result.

Subscribe to Fernando Enrique Rojas Vergara 206.

We'll end up living on a binary star with no dark side of the moon. Then you can all have football teams, not just the TV cooks.

Darling, thank you. This is the best book token anyone ever gave me! ♥️💓💕🔥

Someone finally gave me a photography lesson. Thank you Helena, I love you forever!


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