Tamitha Skov - Solar Storm Forecast 23 November 2023

See the course at https://www.millersville.edu/swen and you can support her work at https://patreon.com/SpaceweatherWoman. Follow her on Twitter/X too: https://twitter.com/TamithaSkov

The radio blackout scale has five levels. From https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/phenomena/solar-flares-radio-blackouts

Radio Blackout X-ray Flare Flux (W/m2) Severity Descriptor

R1             M1       0.00001        Minor
R2             M5       0.00005        Moderate
R3             X1       0.0001         Strong
R4             X10      0.001          Severe
R5             X20      0.002          Extreme

Her YouTube channel has playlist of mini-lecture series: https://www.youtube.com/@TamithaSkov/playlists

I am still wondering about where the helium atoms that escape the earth's gravitational field end up in this (really interesting) soup, ... so in what sense to they escape theearth's gravitational field? What does excape velocity even mean for a molecule? See Sabine Hossenfelder - Is Science Dying?


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