Sabine Hossenfelder on Brian Greene's Quantum Computer Modeling String Theory Hype


Maybe it's not much worse than my attempt to explain the big bang as a consequence of Poincaré Recurrence and then going on to claim that Neil Turok has a plan to test Super-symmetry before the big bang: see Peter Voit and Edward Frenkel on Unification in Physics and Mathematics.

Meanwhile, black holes developed a second life. In 1972, Jakob Bekenstein discovered that a black hole’s surface area corresponds to an entropy, a quantity usually associated with gases. This remarkable connection between thermodynamics and gravity tightened when, in 1974, Stephen Hawking derived that black holes have temperature and evaporate.

Whence the curious utterance "Black holes leak gas".

Subscribe to Sabine Hossenfelder.

Sabine used to make really good videos, before she was forced, by "curcumstance" I presume, to make it financially profitable. See Angela Collier on Who Gets The Nobel Prize.

I also made better videos when someone else was around to film them:

 Subscribe to Ian A. N. Grant.

Maybe this will help. It was written in 1962 by Daniel E. Gershenson and Daniel A. Greenberg: Aristotle Confronts the Eleatics: Two Arguments on 'The One' 

It's how to read Aristotle's Physics:

3. The critique of the Eleatics begins with a mounting crescendo of abuse, designed to destroy their reputation as philosophers. There is no argument here, only condemnation., First, Aristotle repeats that they are not physicists, as he has implied in the opening outline (quoted supra) where the Eleatics are contrasted with the physicists. Next, Aristotle insists that they not only are not physicists, but that they have not even begun to be physicists, since they do not even know the elementary first principles involved in the study of physics. ...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Long Dark Night.

Which reminds me: he's doing a Q&A live stream tonight at 8:00 PM.


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