Lissie and Sakara Dee - Lonely Place to Be and Just Because I Can

This speaks to me more than this movie:  David Gilmour - "Dark and Velvet Nights" And Pink Floyd - "On Noodle Street". See Zero Podcasts - Your emotions are valid and their judgement is not.

Subscribe to Sakara Dee.

This was posted on Lana Del Rey's birthday in 2020, and she put it on her Instagram: LA di da di da, ...

It's Not Me

It works though: Cynthia Jurs on the Idea of Burying Pots Before They Become Cracked. It's just a movie with an awful lot of directors:  David Lynch and The Independent Filmmaker.

All Be OK

Sakara's got a nice camera, and I asked her if she wanted to come with me to Much Wenlock, but she didn't reply.

Subscribe to Lissie.

So I had another idea. Instead of working it out myself, ...

Toby on The Way Maths Should Be Taught

Toby on The Way Ada Countess Lovelace Learned Maths

The Mysterium Cosmographicum Zero 2 W

See Norman Wildberger's Box Arithmetic.

But you know, no need to talk to me about it, just go ahead make some crazy thing and sell it and get rich and I'll just think up something better, ... Chixclub II.

[Update: I just sent a message to Ursula Martin about maybe setting up a Chixclub II in Oxford, ... my God, these web contact forms are a nightmare to use. The Oxford one only works from a web page: if you try to send from a mobile phone you don't get the send button. Why? Are professors at Oxford really so harassed by vagrants on the street sending them messages from mobile phones, that they ban contact from anybody who only has a mobile phone? But maybe Oxford Computer Laboratory will be where we make the fist MC02W! 🐮!]


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