Angela Collier on AI

She has to write software at her job. I feel sorry for her.

Ah but now we are going to have quantum AI and that's going to redesign everything perfectly from scratch. Seriously. That nice lady from Microsoft said so! All we have to figure out is how you interface a pile of crap (including all other AIs) to the perfect design for the future.

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Lunduke - Microsoft Creates a New Form of Quantum Matter to Avoid Fixing Windows

How many qubits do you need to play tic-tac-toe? Nine.

See e.g. If you write an ordinary classical program to play tic-tac-toe then you only need to consider whether the players select corners, edges or the center square, because there are many board states which are just rotations, reflections or transpositions (swapping Xs and Os) of other states.

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Here's Sabine Hossenfelder recovering from an existential crisis and advertising Brilliant again:

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