Sarah King Demonstrating A Classy Drum Machine

A kit for cinematic scoring. 10:15 I can't even figure out how this app he uses below connects with the sequencer.

See also Spitfire Audio - Evelyn Glennie's Percussion Samples.

Subscribe to Spitfire Audio.

Nick Cave & Thomas Wydler making a joke about drum machines:

And speaking of Wild Gods: Ellis Park - Warren Ellis Co-founded a Wildlife Sanctuary in Sumatra!

Nick Cave is not above using drum machines, if they're the right thing for the job:

 Subscribe to Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds.

Subscribe to Gearfacts.

The Alan Parsons Project did a whole thing based on works of Edgar Allan Poe. See Gerald Jay Sussman on The Legacy of Computers and Edgar Allan Poe's essay The Philosophy of Composition which begins:

Charles Dickens, in a note now lying before me, alluding to an examination I once made of the mechanism of “Barnaby Rudge,” says—“By the way, are you aware that Godwin wrote his ‘Caleb Williams’ backwards? He first involved his hero in a web of difficulties, forming the second volume, and then, for the first, cast about him for some mode of accounting for what had been done.”


When I wrote that bit about composition of prose and music it was intentional hyperbole, and now it is haunting me!

Subscribe to Alan Parsons Project.


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