Sylvie's Garden

Today's David Lynch's Weather Report Project reminded me of the bit in Lewis Carroll's Sylvie and Bruno about Sylvie's Garden (finding that passage is left as an exercise for the reader!). Then that put me in mind of this song, and December 2017 in Cochabamba, which was just fucking crazy!

Speaking of Malibu:

Which gets us back to Wisteria, but in slightly better shape than we were in December 2017!!

Subscribe to Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds on YouTube.

Thanks to Maxwell, James and Corbett Cooke's mother for introducing me to Grace Slick and this album not long after it was released in 1980.

Now there is a psychological branch to this idea which is a good way to introduce the next chapter of R.D. Laing's The Politics of Experience and The Bird of Paradise: Us and Them.

See Myra West - I Hate Men. Well, I'd rather be a Bird of Paradise than a dead cat nailed to some chick's door!


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