DW News On Assange Hearing Today

It is more than just Julian (see CIA and FBI Bullshit) and we need to stop fucking around, because this movie-making has gotten totally out of hand. As David Lynch said on Sunday, for pities' sake, pull yourselves together! See Lana del Rey With Her Dad Rob After Recording Sweet CarolinaRuptly Live Outside The Court For Assange's Extradition HearingCameron Needs Help With His Twin Peaks Fan Film "Queen of Hearts" and Live Science - Leonardo da Vinci's Ancestry. See also The the difference between Iron Gates and Iron Roads, IG and IR, if you like: David Lynch's Weather Report. And on educational initiatives: Juan Browne Caught in The Death Star's Tractor Beam! And if you find this too much intelligence to take in, that's not our fault: see On Communication in Linear Time And Hypertext And The Gospel of Sophia and LA Times - Accidental Shooting On "Rust" Set

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