The Kinetic Kennons Relating A Story About Mexico

México is the center of the world, you know. Ask Guillermo del Toro if you don't believe me. See Maggie Reviewing The Love Witch (2016).

Subscribe to The Kinetic Kennons and buy their fucking coffee! See ... Oh, I can't find the entry I made in this blog suggesting we connect up businesses in Texas, México, Guatemala, Belize, ... all the way back along the sendera luminosa to Cochabamba, Bolivia and on ...  But see this video I made a few days ago:

See Go Fug Yourself - Bjork and Ellen Burbidge On Climate Change And People's Climate Strategy. See also Saya's Birthday After Party which I've not had time to watch yet, and this:

Subscribe to Weather New Fans. Think about it! See Juan Browne Caught in The Death Star's Tractor Beam! and today's post: Juan Browne Flying A Boeing 777 - 200 at 36,000' Over South Korea.


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