Blind Dweller - Richard Dadd

I just got an email from Amanda. She told me about this:

For context, this last painting was created around the time Lewis Carroll started collecting his "litterature" for what would become Sylvie and Bruno. See David Lynch's Weather Report. It was also around the time photography became a popular pastime in Victorian England, I think. See Out Of The Silver Screen Into The Silver Nitrate. In Carroll's book, Titania appears as the Fairy Queen and Sylvie and Bruno live in her kingdom, at least some of the time. See Lewis Carroll's Sylvie and Bruno.

Another place to look for more background to this art would be the archives for the Society for Psychical Research, of which Lewis Carroll was a member later in life. The general feeling amongst even quite "hard-nosed" men as J.J. Thomson (inventor of the electron) and Augustus de Morgan (who taught mathematics to Ada Countess of Lovelace) was that the existence of spirit beings was an established scientific fact. See the Wikipedia page for the SPR.

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