Evening Photos

If this isn't product placement then it might be irony, ...

It might be an invitation to Governor Newsom to come to Tec-ate, CA and cross the Iron Gates so we can talk constructively about a new tribal council business model, ... The problems of tribal councils are surely isomorphic to many other problems, not just businesses like Chalalan which support their community by bringing crates of liquor so that everyone can get drunk and forget about them. See Message For Elizabeth Woolridge GrantIan Grant's Weather Report and 70th Anniversary of The State of Baja California. I should declare a personal interest: it's nearing the end of the month and it's getting hard to raise 400 pesos a day for my hotel room. See Hotel California and Tom Waits - Hold On.

They're playing this now: Dance Monkey julio 06, 2021:

Tones And I - Dance Monkey

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