Ian Grant's Weather Report

See Lori on Antibiotic Resistant Infections.

It's a Wednesday!

Natalie Merchant - Carnival

I told Julie Mushet about my crush on Natalie Merchant in 1991, and she heard. See DMA Cowboys. Then see Lana Del Rey Missing A Fire Ball.

Lana Del Rey's LA to NYC trip:

Subscribe to Lana Del Rey.

On New York and California States of mind: Explore Your State and Lana Del Rey Being A Complete Madman For Charity. Charlie Grant's Lynchian interview with his sister in the bathtub:

Subscribe to Interview Magazine.

Julia Fox Reveals Her Deepest Superstitions

Subscribe to Interrupt Magazine. For more on interrupt handling systems to fall in love with see The T.H.E. Multiprogramming System Mk II in particular EWD123. Then see Process Synchronisation by Communication and then read EWD12345.

Now I suppose it's possible that The British Empire did all of this, but you know, I'll need to talk to a lot more people before you can convince me of that. See Less Than Ten Members of the UK Armed Forces in Colombia.

It's wall to wall ABBA here in D'Volada right now. See ABBA - Fernando and Oops, ... Of course these are just meaningless coincidences, so you would be mad to think that represent anything! See Message For Donald Trump and Graham Elwood - Panquake Developer Killed In A Hit-And-Run in CA.

ABBA - Voulez Vous

Subscribe to ABBA.

Maybe in a couple of years' time you'll have learned to play the game over there? See Window Shopping With Elizabeth Woolridge GrantDevizes To Westminster? and Blanca HF.

ABBA - The Name of The Game

Subscribe to ABBA.

See The Name of the Game which I posted on April 2, 2019 when Google shut down G+, ...


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