Terence McKenna on The Heavenward Arc of Arboreal Monkeys

These L5 type space colonies may be going to happen, but I don't think it will be before we learn to live on earth in a civilized fashion. See Terence McKenna on Capitalism and Space Exploration and Terence McKenna Being A Complete Space Cadet for Eight Relentless Minutes.

I Think the sense in which we need to progress to the heavens is intellectual, not physical. See The Works of Aristotle in particular the book on physics, ...

In particular the second and third paragraphs:

See David Lynch's Weather Report Project Report Project julio 10, 2021 and Terence McKenna on Time Travel.

There he talks about the Gnostic Mandaeans and presumably they are part of the Valentinian Tale of Sophia

I wouldn't expect the upward progression, be it an intellectual, spiritual or physical one, to be linear, but rather to be made up of a whole series of cycles such as those we find in natural systems. See Anton Petrov on Solar Superstorms.

Dead Can Dance - Children of the Sun

Subscribe to Dead Can Dance.

For more on the deepening pull of history McKenna talks about w.r.t. time travel at 32:56 see Imagining Future Landscapes.

Gigi Young on Evolution of the Human Soul Through The Solar System

See the video description for a list of topics she covers, with timestamps to access the segments directly. See also Gigi Young - Summoning Souls: The Mystery of Ensoulment on Earth.

Subscribe to Gigi Young.

See Sadhguru on Belief Systems:

Subscribe to Cabrera Research.

See also Ian Grant's Weather Report febrero 06, 2022 and Sci-Fi Short - The Jump.


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