Status Function Representations 'R' Us

But I really don't think the E.T.s are behind this one: see Earthquake Took Out My Internet and Lana Del Rey Talking About Diet Mountain Dew:

See Brad Pitt Suing Angelina Jolie after She Sold Her Stake in A French Winery and Julie Nolke - Why You SHOULD Double Text.

Subscribe to Lana Del Rey Interviews And Archive.

The Black Diamond Express - Draw The Lightning

Lana Del Rey - Arcadia

Subscribe to Lana Del Rey.

See I've Just Decided Not To Go Live Here. Why? Well, I don't want to become Benjamin Button!

Lana Del Rey interview with Brea Tremblay in November 2008. That's about when I decided to go live in El Alto, Bolivia and try to launch my career as a touring scientist.

Subscribe to Lana Del Rey Interviews And Archive.

Lizzy Grant - Gramma (Blue Ribbon Sparkler Trailer Heaven)

Subscribe to Florencia Quiñones.

I keep nearly writing Status Representation Functions instead of Status Function Representations. Maybe that's something I should talk about with John Searle and Dana Scott? See Sabine Hossenfelder - Are We Made Of Math? and Jade on Time and Information.


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