NFT Domains

Finally starting to see a way forward: Lana Del Rey's Shoes and What Is An NFT? junio 10, 2022.

For a hint at the theory we need, see Hilary Putnam on Meaning and Externalism.

This is the sort of notion of a digital identity which could actually be useful:

It's a kind of "by their deeds shall ye know them" thing. See Hilary Putnam on Philosophy And our Mental Life and this could one day allow you take your wealth into the afterlife with you. See Portishead - We Carry On (2008) and Wolf Alice - Making Blue Lullaby (Episode 4).

It also suggests a possible way to settle some "embarrassing claims" out of court: Lee Camp on John Kiriakou and Police Corruption, which might even get some Swiss Banks back into business, in a kosher sort of way: Riding The Fun Work Train With Harvey Keitel and David Lynch's Repeating Dream.

See Director David Lynch Is Trending And Under Attack, But Not For Dune and Campbell's Boiled Red Tomatoes Inflation Index.

So that is the kind of thing we need, I think: The Foundation (Parts I,II & III).


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