Portishead - We Carry On (2008)

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Academy of Ideas - The Path of Individuation

I made this on a path up a hill behind the casa Paroquial in Peñas, Bolivia, where Tupac Katari was slaughtered. See My Story In Brief septiembre 29, 2020 ...

Look up the meaning of the name Alethia (Alice) Pascoe in this play I wrote about a conversation: see Stephanie Montes - Mnemosyne.

Suffering is meaningless, pointless crap. I suffered walking across the Darién gap. One day I just cried for hours, after we had been robbed at gunpoint three times, ... It was without any meaning whatsoever. So that wasn't much suffering? Had I been raped, would it have been any more meaningful? Had I broken my leg in a climbing accident like Isabel did and then spent years trying to recover, would that have been more meaningful? The suffering that this refers to is something else. It's the suffering that comes from mental anguish. It's the suffering that results from wondering why your friends and family can't or won't talk to you. That's the kind of non-existent completely avoidable, and therefore pointless suffering that paradoxically has meaning, but what does it mean? I think it means you live in a sick society and you need to do something about it. Find a better one, maybe? Or make a better one, by giving people the tools to enable them to communicate? See Joseph Alai on Manifesting junio 25, 2022. The trick is knowing what to try to manifest.

Subscribe to Academy of Ideas.

Something missing still. See Isabel Allende - Tales of Passion and Sci-Fi Short - Traveler.

Psychedelic Extreme Programming

The answer is that I can't. See Programming Channel Processes.

See On Mathematics and Abstract Language and Hilary Putnam on Meaning and Externalism and for more on lost miniatures painted on ivory in Rome see Riding The Fun Work Train With Harvey Keitel.

This a message I sent to David Lynch, my daughter and a few others yesterday.

So who won? Hermann Hauser - Cambridge UK vs. Silicon Valley and ARM Total Solutions for IoT.

On psychology, maybe it's time I read Jan Smuts' Holism and Evolution. There is a copy of mine in Cambridge somewhere, along with a copy of Bertrand Russell's Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy.

YouTube buffering problems prompted me to point something out. See EWD12345.pdf especially section 5, which begins on page 9, which I wrote and published in 2015. It describes a system of circular buffers which I thought would help to alleviate problems of latency with large buffers, and which, I think, could be extended to implement circuit switched communications channels over IP or other packet switched networks and provide QoS guarantees using the Banker's Algorithm, see Maggie Reviewing Annihilation. I actually provide an implementation of the idea which I tested on both Linux and OpenBSD. That code is in clear text beginning on page 30. It is only 20 pages or so.

Now how do I explain to my parents, particularly my father, who doesn't even know how to capitalise the abbreviation of PhD, that I am in fact a bona-fide mathematical engineer (or theoretical physicist, since in Dijkstra's terms the two are synonymous) unless some people at Cambridge actually read the incoherent nonsense I wrote while I was "on drugs". For an example, I was chewing coca in 2015 when I wrote that code and whilst I recorded the videos above in Peñas. When was I doing better work. In 2015, whilst starving in La Paz, or now? Why is the work I did in La Paz not worth any financial support from anyone? Why do I have to wait for birthday presents from my father before I can get the space to represent my case? Why did I lose the WiFi connection as soon as I wrote that?

See March Check-in marzo 07, 2022 ...

... and March 8 TBR:

Freaked out? Think you might be the antichrist? Talk to John Daugman who is a great fan of Witgenstein. See Don Cupitt on Wittgenstein's Mystic Concept of Religion.


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