Ian Grant's Weather Report

See Sabine Hossenfelder - Does The Past Still Exist?

See also Hilary Putnam on Philosophy And our Mental Life and my earlier post on this from November 2021: Hilary Putnam on Philosophy And our Mental Life.

See La Escuela Británica de Artes Creativas y Tecnología (EBAC)

Conway Free Will Theorem Lectures playlist

Brian Josephson on ESP and Paranormality

See the book Peter Atkins - Creation Revisited 

On Music and performances:

See https://rhcp.lnk.to/DreamCanteen and subscribe to Red Hot Chilli Peppers.

Eatablishment science can get on the right track by doing what the RHCPs do with science, can't it?

Fractran - A Ridiculous Logical Language

See A Concrete Way to See What Computable Functions Actually Are September 1, 2019 


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