I walked in the door and there was this BBC Model B, with a sturdy Watford Electronics carrying case, and it came with a free Cumana 5 1/4" Floppy Disk Drive. Well, I thought I would spend the rest of my life kicking myself if I didn't buy this, and it feels like I'm hitting the reset button on my life and going back to 1982 when my parents bought me my first computer, which was a BBC model A. I used it for graphics programming and learned to write 3D vector graphics programs from Ian O. Angell's book. See Ian Grant's Weather Report August 04, 2022 . Back to England: It was the HH Tiger , or Tigress, there seems to be some equivocation here, ... See Alan Sugar at the Cambridge Union for some more context. So now I am looking up what the BBC Micro's Tube™ was about: What's the TUBE interface of the BBC micro all about? The problem I had as a kid trying to do this stuff on a BBC with 32KB of RAM was that the screen memory took up most of the RAM and left ...