Myra West's Hello, World Program

She makes all my diodes hurt! See Lissie and Sakara Dee - Lonely Place to Be and Just Because I Can, Joan Armatrading - How Did This Happen and What Does it Now Mean? and Cynthia Jurs on the Idea of Burying Pots Before They Become Cracked.

Heck, I really went to town in her comments! See See also Cameron Driven to Wisterics Over Cryptic Posts By Associates of David Lynch and Wisteria.

Subscribe to Myra West.

 Subscribe to Oduncu Gomlegi.

So, ... here we go. The Road is on The Show!

Noriko Miyakawa - My Trip to Twin Peaks: Or How I learned to Stop Worrying And Love The nextLAB

 Here it is:

Subscribe to IP.

Yesterday, I learned something about a Wisteria that I hadn't fully appreciated:

Epoch Philosophy did a poll on Patreon:

So the next video is: Intro Into Erving Goffman: Presentation in Everyday Life! And it is making wonder the hell kind of animal I am. His channel focuses on Continental philosophy.



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