Catholic Church Under Attack

Here's a mess we can get into girls! A guy from the Catholic League tells us that the Judeo-Christian tradition is the basis for Western Civiization. I guess he means the kind of "civilization" we have now, not the process that Human Beings call Civilizaton. This movie looks like fun!

For more selacious details than I would ever have dared hope for, see Bill Donohue's piece here: He says they're attacking Catholics. Well, he clearly knows Catholics better than I do, so he knows the Catholic Church better than I do. I daresay he knows The Vatican better than I do too. I hope somebody will draw his attention to David Lynch's Weather Report for January 31st, 2021, David Lynch's Weather Report Project Report Project julio 10, 2021 and Pentagon Wants To Declare War on The Ethiopian Catholic Church. It's like this, Bill. The Akashic Records go back to times long before the sterile idea of a Vatican Secret Archive was even conceived. We didn't need it in the end. See Aurora in The Court of The Crimson Robot.

See also Fried Green Tomatoes at The Whistlestop Cafe and There's Something Fishy Been Goin' On, ....

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