Message For Google México

See Anthony Padilla interviewing Susan Wojcicki and make sure you don't fall into a ficticious "Us and Them" illusion. Listen to R.D. Laing in the post Sylvie's Garden. If that sounds way too complicated, then realise that it is only a superficial introduction to the logical complexities that follow from false reification. You can cut that Gordian knot by listening to Lou Reed - I'll Be Your Mirror.

I made this on September 6th, 2020, just before I left Cochabamba. Watch the whole thing, even if some parts seem irrelevant to you.

YouTube recommends Lana Del Rey's Wildflower Wildfire:

Here's what I made today when I saw the just the title of Gigi's video, but couldn't play it because the Internet was u/s and it seemed to be YouTube more than anything else:

See the video description. To understand the thermodynamics of potential, see Lori on Big Nuclear Power Plans.  It's urgent, we can't wait until all that's left of the United States States of America is the summit of Denali, ...

See Lana Del Rey - Mariners Apartment Complex. Here's a cool commercial to watch now:

Subscribe to MUDSPIKE and see Russell Brand on Sun Valley.


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