Jim Morrison - People Are Strange

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It doesn't make much sense on its own, I agree, but if you think about the story that might lie behind it, ... well, I think you could make sense of it. Here's my sense, which is just a few fragments that resonate together, ...

Morrison's family does not recall this traffic incident happening in the way he told it. According to the Morrison biography No One Here Gets Out Alive, his family did drive past a car accident on an Indian reservation when he was a child, and he was very upset by it. The book The Doors, written by the surviving members of the band, explains how different Morrison's account of the incident was from that of his father, who is quoted as saying, "We went by several Indians. It did make an impression on him. He always thought about that crying Indian." This is contrasted sharply with Morrison's tale of "Indians scattered all over the highway, bleeding to death."


In the middle of 1965, after graduating with a bachelor's degree from the UCLA film school, Morrison led a bohemian lifestyle in Venice Beach. Living on the rooftop of a building inhabited by his UCLA classmate, Dennis Jakob, he wrote the lyrics of many of the early songs the Doors would later perform live and record on albums, such as "Moonlight Drive" and "Hello, I Love You". According to fellow UCLA student Ray Manzarek, he lived on canned beans and LSD for several months.


Morrison was inspired to name the band after the title of Aldous Huxley's book The Doors of Perception (a reference to the unlocking of doors of perception through psychedelic drug use). Huxley's own concept was based on a quotation from William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, in which Blake wrote: "If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite."

See these posts where I've referred to the Ghost Dance. Also ask Julia E.M. Hawkins about that book Lila, An Inquiry into Morals by Robert Pirsig [I keep mis-spelling his name Persig]. I don't have that much dynamic quality anymore, I'm sorry to say.

Maybe I should take more LSD? I would probably find out that "strange" is a synonym for tripping, ....

Or being ghosted:

... Or being The Oracle, or immortal, ... You expect me to figure this shit out without anybody talking to me? Should I just use Google? Or ask Bing? Which reminds me that a few months ago my father asked me to do a DNA test and I refused. If he wants to know my DNA he can ask US Immigration and Customs Enforcement because thay took a swab (without asking my permission, and without even telling me what they were doing). But maybe I should be asking him for his DNA so I can check who is sending these e-mails?

See Highlander (Los Immortales in Spanish) and Highlander III. I've been round this loop so many times it's boring! See The Surname अमृत for just the last one, before Steve Coot shot me! See David Lynch, Dean Hurley and Moby Jamming and this:

I have Steve's phone number in case anyone wants to ask him if it's true. I personally rather doubt it, but there was that time in Chiapas when Obama sent an assassin who looked like a reincarnation Art Garfunkel with a clarinet case, ... I think he did take me out. It certainly felt like it. But Art was escorted away by a very pretty young lady, so he can't have lost out too badly. See Donovan - Gimme Some A That.

There's nothing fake sounding about Buffy the vampire slayer when she's with friends:

Subscribe to Polaris Music Prize.

But I have a terrible soft-spot for fake American Indian music:

Subscribe to Nathalie Ange.

Maybe now the Ghost Dance has been going on so long it's the mortals who are going extict? But that's not how it was supposed to work! "proper practice of the dance would reunite the living with spirits of the dead, bring the spirits to fight on their behalf, end American Westward expansion, and bring peace, prosperity, and unity to Native American peoples throughout the region.". Maybe they should have left California alone? Then there would be no Angelinos. I'm fine with that, just let me die please! That's why the Egyptians invented money, you know. It's because you can't take it with you. See what Lewis Carroll said about accumulating portable possessions.

And if freeing Leonard Peltier means he gets a free trip on an empty 777 to LHR and has to share a room with me in bloody 'arrow for the rest of his life then best ask him first if that's what he really wants!

I'd rather be shot in the back of the head by David Lynch: Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Calofirnication August 31, 2021. This is what it feels like:

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See For My Brother Graeme:

Subscribe to @lqv4ehul.

I'm part Bolivian, part Peruvian, part Ecuadorean, part Colombian, part Panamanian, part Costa Rican, part Nicaraguan, part Salvadorian, part Honduran, part Guatemalan, part Mexican and part American, not to mention part Haitian, part Ganaian and part Irish. So cut me some slack.

I also ate a bunch of tamales, so I will probably end up with a corn cob for my nose some day!

See Instituto Nacional de los Pueblos Indígenas: Mitos del origen del mundo y la humanidad en la cosmovisión de los pueblos indígenas de Mesoamérica. Adapted by Mayra Lisset Morales Martínez, Illustrations by Diana Laura Gutiérrez Chávez.

Subscribe to The Doors.


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