Some Ideas for the The Institute of Art And Ideas

See  London Grammar - Freaking Me Out A Bit and Jeremy Narby Talking About His Book "The Cosmic Serpent".

See Teaching People How To Design Programs and How To Code for more on Danvy's TDPE and for more on Higher Order Functors in Non-Standard ML, see Daniel Tubbenhauer Doing Inscrutable Things With Analytic Number Theory ... and then see Standard ML For The Lady Programmer.

Subscribe to The Institute of Arts and Ideas or watch it on ... Have your card ready, ... Oh wait, there's some free stuff there too: AI, Google, and the fight for culture with Timothy Nguyen in Mathematics vs Art. But there are some serious QoS issues here. I get about a 50% duty-cycle with a fundamental frequency of about 0.001 Hz!

3:32 and with a very interesting side channel, by the sounds of it! That radio transmitter is the USB cable on a Logitech webcam that spent some time in Switzerland, ...

See PhD War Stories.

See What is Socialist Economic Development?

 See Well, that URL looks the full stack right there!

Subscribe to Code Institute.

See We Started a Little Brand: I went viral and lost my shirt!

Subscribe to Julie Nolke.


Subscribe to The Eternal Doorman #5228.

That's 6:06 and twice my Father's 303:

Subscribe to Leonard Cohen.

[Oops, that video is 6:09, sorry!] But it's still a better idea than this:

See Russia-Iran cooperation carried out strictly within framework of international law – Lavrov and EU increases war rhetoric against Russia amid debate to lift long-range arms ban.

See Larkin Poe - If God is a Woman, ...

If more women were programmers then stuff like this just wouldn't happen:

But <iframe> is good for other stuff, ...


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