London Grammar - Freaking Me Out A Bit

I am currently listening to Jeremy Narby talking about hallucinogenics (and sex and James Cameron's Avatar and race and music) and it's very interesting. I'll listen to Hannah's voice note in a minute, ...

See London Grammar - The Greatest Love.

This reminds me of the time I went on bended knee to a young lady working in Novecento in Cochabamba and asked her if I could marry her empressa, ... Inca women were married to the Sun, I think.

I do, Hanna!

Now ask them how listening to London Grammar songs affected me visibly, ...

Subscribe to London Grammar. This video was blocked for Copyright reasons, and that's probably why YouTube killed my phone. Maybe I should check the App permissions, ... I don't remember saying they could reboot my phone while I was backing up my data, ...

The next video was this:

Then my phone rebooted in the middle of copying my videos onto my Laptop hard drive, ... Serves me right for trying to multi-task my computer. Is this the Job Centre's way of making me post all the failed job applications onto my Universal Credit account? Or is it free psychoanalysis for The Monarchy? There was all this weird royal stuff going on in Cochabamba when I was there. They were trying to get a racecourse built, and they had all these fancy German/Austrian clinics full of high-tech medical imagery equipment, and there were these apartment blocks that looked like they'd been designed by Mies van der Rohe trying to get some extra pocket money. What was all that about? The elixir of youth?

Is it all OK now? See David Quintieri on William White's Recent Comments About Central Banks Monetary Policy and Jane Street Capital. YouTube flagged this video as being about Reptilian Humanoids, ... "Reptilian humanoid: Reptilian humanoids, or anthropomorphic reptiles, are fictional creatures that appear in folklore, fiction, and conspiracy theories." I've never seen giant serpents in a jungle hut, except for a giant serpent that actually came into my hut to check it out, ...

What a gig that must've been! They played this song again at Glastonbury in 2017.

Subscribe to London Grammar.

We could talk through this stuff. These are epistemologies, not an ontology. See Jeremy Narby Talking About His Book "The Cosmic Serpent" and PhD War Stories Time. Imagine trying to deal with this shit when you are living in the streets, sleeping outside a mortuary with the stench of dead bodies coming up from the drain, or out of the coffins when they bring in bodies recovered from the mudslide that killed dozens, ... Maybe kids living in big cities, confined to moldy houses during Covid lockdowns do tap into this stuff, but is doesn't seem to do them too much harm: see the Capital City Choir in Lue Elizando Talking Psy Ops With Curt Jaimungal. Now can I have a break, please? I need to fill in job applications at the Raspberry Pi shop. If Britian had a computer industry, maybe the kids wouldn't get so bored and would start playing instead of fighting wars in their minds. But Britain doesn't have a computer industry, it only has a finance industry and a weapons industry and a whole employment industry that supports these other two. See Hacking Linux in the Federal Republic of Germany? Mein Gott! At Baden Baden in 2014:

Subscribe to KeineArtundWeise.

Wild God: Well here we go now!

See Nick Cave - Wild God Q&A Livestream.

This is really going to upset Jez Rose. Ask him why I am promoting all these bands, ... 

Sorry for the delay, YouTube decided it needed to upload this one twice. That brings back memories of days of yore, ... We're now at 4%, ... See Julie Nolke - Where Is The FBI.

Subscribe to Plata Design.

See Victoria Ryder - Singing A Song Which She Wrote:

 Subscribe to My Channel: @zeropodcasts.


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