Lana Del Rey On Honeymoon and Working With Rick Nowels

Subscribe to Lana del Rey and Lana Del Rey Interviews and Archive on YouTube.

See Yet Another Blog and Room 2 (Patent Leather Do-Over) by Lana Del Rey and The Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock by T S Eliot for more on T.S. Eliot and Sylvia Plath (who died the same year T.S. Eliot published The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock). 

So now you see the narrative, gentlemen?

See Lana Del Rey on Honeymoon.

So in retrospect, this seems more like a job offer (as a Musical Gardener) than a divorce proposal, Jennifer. One conversation with this guy taught me all I needed to know about commitment, and courage, to be able to say ¡Sí señora! Soledad Bravo - Commandante

Subscribe to Jaunty Jake on YouTube fuckers!


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