Norman Wildberger on Levelling Up Your Musicianship

When I was trying, some time in 1992, to level up my mathematics, I started to think about why squaring any rational was a piece of cake, and so you could draw the graph of x-squared almost without effort, but drawing the graph of  the square root of x was really hard, unless you just geometrically flipped the graph of x-squared about the line y=x. It turns out that's a long story, ... David Turner Talking About Sixty Years of Functional Programming History and Eugenia Cheng on Monads, Monoids, Algebraic Theories and Models.

Norman's done quite a lot of music videos in his maths series:

See Chuck Berry's Weather Report December 10, 2020. At the time I wrote that post I had no idea of the Scottish history of Darien: The History Guy on Panama's Scottish History, nor of the Callawayas in Paname: Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds "The jam" (One more time with feeling). I did however know about Sean Connery's hat!

So who makes these rules? See Darz Rojas Talking About Creativity and Moritz Klein Doing Real Greek Lego.

Subscribe to Norman Wildberger.

Bill Haley & His Comets - Rock Around The Clock

Subscribe to The45Prof.

If I learned this lesson, and if this sheet music is right, ... this is 12 bar blues in A:

Actually, I don't know whether that is right at all, and I have no idea of what a key sounds like.

Subscribe to Soundpaint Academy.


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